We took our morning walk up the beach today, racing the Coast Guard to the end of the island. They won. Last we saw of them, they were scurrying around the barrier islands heading for Camp Lejeune - afraid (I'm sure) that we might overtake them!
The end of the island is very marshy and full of little canals and what appear to be sandy paths. I was enjoying the exploration of new territory when Gary decided to turn back and head for "home." I wanted to keep going, but he knows me too well. He was sure that once I saw what was around one bend, I would have had to see what was around the next, and so on, until we were so far from "home" that it would take hours to get back. Secretly, I think he was influenced by the postcard we'd seen last night with the Carolinia alligator on the front. :) Maybe not.
This is the island across the inlet. We have surmised, by looking at the map, that it is part of Camp Lejeune. There are no buildings, no signs of civilization - just lots and lots of pelicans and seagulls (represented by the tiny little specks in the photo). When the tide is out, it almost looks like you could walk across, but there is a cross at the end of the island smothered in flowers in memory of someone who may have thought that, too.
If you'd walk instead of run you might beat the Coast Guard... :-)
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