Sunday, August 12, 2007

More of Day 1 . . . . Dad and I ate supper at a restaurant where his parents used to eat when he was a teenager. Unfortunately, I didn't think to get a picture. Anyway, it is now a place called Gatherings and it is nothing more than a neighborhood bar - complete with rowdy people, lots of smoke and, in our case, quite a few stares! :) But, we each had a sandwich and enjoyed the experience.
After that, our stroll continued past Academy High School, from which Dad graduated in 1941 and Ma graduated in 1942.
This is Presque Isle Downs. This is what has become of my Grandma V's neighborhood on Perry Highway. I guess it will host horse racing - I never really found out, but it is also a casino, so it is busy at all hours. It is brand new and, by the looks of the parking lot, I'd guess they are expecting enormous crowds. This is Grandma V's house - it is still standing. And, maybe I will get a better picture next time we ride by. There was a car behind us, so we couldn't slow down! :) But, this is evidence that it is still there. One house on either side is also still standing, but the most everything else between Frankie S' house and the interstate is kaput.
This isn't the clearest picture (obviously), but the colors were pretty, so I saved it. This is Dobbins Landing from the border patrol parking lot. Time to call it a day. Stay tuned for Day 2.


At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Mom and I drove through Erie, we saw the hospital where she was born and the lake, but I didn't get to see all these other places--the houses and the high school and such. Very cool! I'm enjoying your trip!

At 8:29 PM, Blogger Natalie said...

I am enjoying reliving your vacation through your pictures! :)


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