Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas Eve :)

The celebration begins at our house where family presents are exchanged. It was fairly quiet, but still festive - just the four of us and Abby, of course. Abby doesn't seem too impressed with her gift, but I'll bet she plays nonstop while we are away at work. :) That's why she sleeps the entire time we are home, I'm sure!

Once presents are opened, we grab a quick bite to eat and head for church for the candlelight service. This year Gary ushered, Natalie worked in the nursery and David elected to go keep Grandpa company. It looked as though I might have to sit by myself, but Nancy was able to come, too. So, we enjoyed the story of the birth of Jesus and sang lots of Christmas carols. Christmas isn't Christmas without church!Posted by Picasa


At 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right--Christmas isn't Christmas without church! It was a lovely service, as usual...


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